Tintas Arzubialde S.L. receives aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Tintas Arzubialde S.L. receives aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Tintas Arzubialde S.L. has received aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund for the “TI4 Tintas Arzubialde Project” File ADER 2021-P-TI4-00263,
related to the updating and modernisation of our website www.tintasarzubialde.com, as well as the launch of our online shop for the marketing of inks, printers, accessories
and other digital industrial marking consumables, along with a mobile and desktop app for commercial sales management.

The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, a country project that outlines the roadmap for the modernisation of the Spanish economy, the recovery of economic
growth and the creation of jobs for solid, inclusive and resilient economic reconstruction after the COVID crisis, and to respond to the challenges of the next
decade, this plan will guide the execution of 72,000 million euros of European funds until 2023 and will mobilise over the next three years 50% of the resources that Spain
has thanks to the Next Generation EU instrument.

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